The Money Laundering Regulations 2003
From 1st March 2004 legislation came into force imposing obligations on Estate agents to implement internal procedures to combat money laundering, by confirming the identity of all sellers and purchasers of property.
For Property Sellers: The law requires us to obtain proof of ownership and proof of identity on or before the date of signing the confirmation of marketing agreement.
For Property Purchasers: The law requires us to obtain proof of identity on or before the date the purchaser’s offer is accepted by the vendor (seller).
To avoid unnecessary delay in proceeding with a proposed sale or purchase, we would ask that you make the appropriate documents available at the time you instruct us to sell your property and/or submit an offer on a proposed purchase.
In the case of joint ownership/purchase proof of identity for all parties involved in the transaction is required.
A current passport or photo-card driving licence.
A utility bill, council tax demand or bank statement, showing your current address.